
The final new moon of 2017 is in the sign of Sagittarius.  For the Northern hemisphere, this occurs just prior to the winter solstice.  On the astrological wheel, the winter solstice is the point at the pinnacle.  Currently, Saturn is sitting on this metaphorical mountaintop.  Having spent over two years in the sign, the planet is lingering in Sagittarius for a few more days before shifting into the sign it rules, Capricorn, only one day ahead of the Sun.  This new moon phase brings the Sun and the Moon together within a few degrees of Saturn, near the zenith of the archetypal wheel. 

The symbol for Sagittarius is the Archer, and this is echoed by its glyph.  While many glyphs are cryptic in nature, this one is stark in its simplicity, an image of an upward pointing arrow.  This symbol’s meaning is further deepened, however, by its representation as a centaur.  The centaur is a mythic creature that is half-man, half horse.  This two-part being represents the dual natures of man.  On one hand, we are driven by the tenacious, animalistic force informed by our primal instincts.  On the other, we are compelled to construct a civic order by employing mental abilities to manipulate these basic drives.  The Archer, therefore, represents passion and focus.  Passion, here, arises organically from an interaction with and appreciation of our surroundings.  Focus harnesses the impulse of our passion with the organizational abilities of our intellect in such a way that we may act effectively towards our realizing our inspiration.  

Thus, a keyword for Sagittarius is temperance, a word rich in meaning.  At its root, temper refers to a state of being influenced by our emotions, akin to the part of the centaur that is horse.  Temperance refers to the moderation of these feelings, akin to the part of the centaur that is human.  To temper is also a process which utilizes fire, by which two constituents are joined to create a new, stronger form.  This process defines the way of Sagittarius.

This inner alchemy is reflected in its status as the Mutable Fire sign of the zodiac.  The term “mutable” means changeable, and, as one of the three astrological modalities, is assigned to the signs that come at the end of each of the four seasons, as one solar phase shifts into the next.  The mutable signs are associated with qualities of adaptability and wisdom, as the integration of each season’s lessons inspire the movement into the next stage.  Sagittarius, specifically, embodies the spirit of the quest.  Expounding on the symbolism of the Archer, this marksman is not a warrior, like its fellow fire sign Mars, but the Seeker who through his experience becomes the Sage.  While the Martian fire is directed externally, that of Sagittarius lies within. Here, the heat of the fire is contained by focus to temper ones emotions to purify oneself on the path to self-actualization.

The planetary ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter, also known as “the Guru.”  This planet is the teacher that guides the quest.  It is the planet of expansion, as well as that of fortune, and in both aspects, there may be positive or negative results of this influence.  What expands under the light of Jupiter, and our reactions to it, reveals where we have placed our focus.  Yet Jupiter also rules religion, philosophy, social institutions, and places of higher learning.  Jupiter brings order externally to the structure of our civil lives and internally to the organization of our intelligence.  Thus, we find the goal of the Seeker’s journey, the search for the mythic ideals of Beauty, Truth, and Love--the Grand Target of the Archer’s arrow. The result of these long distance wanderings is to not only realize the incredible expanse of the outer world,  with its vast geography and diverse cultures, but also the expansion of one’s inner landscape of mind.  Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of faith, a spiritual thread connects these experiences on the path to illumination.

This new moon asks us to examine what lies in our scope, what is our target, and where is our focus.  Until these align, all our arrows will miss their mark.  With a harmonious aspect from Uranus, passions left dormant may be awakened.  The ruler of this moon, Jupiter, in harmonious connection with Neptune, will bring vision to our dreamscapes. This is a potent place for discovering the self-sabotaging traps that we hide in our subconscious, obstacles which are often merely debris from old emotions waiting to be released.  This internal communication strengthens our external efforts by unifying our “animalistic” (subconscious) and “humanistic” (conscious) selves. The moon’s conjunction with Saturn will bring stability, but also a stern reminder that each of us bears the responsibility for the manifestations we bring into this world.  As Saturn and then the Sun move into earth sign of Capricorn, the goals that we strive to actualize will be born more easily into our common reality. We may take this time in Sagittarius to burn away the inhibiting detritus that deforms our efforts, to distill our passions to their purest form, and bring them forth more responsibly.

The word solstice translates to “sun standing still.”  At the winter solstice, as the arc of the luminary across the sky and the days are both at their shortest, the Sun rises in the same place on the horizon for three days.  It is a pause in the solar cycle, a sacred stillness celebrated by our ancestors.  This historical reverence has been handed down in countless traditions across the world.  As the darkness descends around us, may we find our inner luminescence, and allow that light to guide us on our quest and illuminate our target.  As the Sun reaches the pinnacle of the wheel and the days become longer, focus your light, focus your efforts, and shoot for your dreams.  Steady, aim, fire!