★ workshops ★ readings ★ stargazing ★
ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be offering a new class called Embodied Astrology, blending my primary practices of Yoga and tropical Astrology. Stay tuned for upcoming information on schedules and venues!
Enjoy music, drinks, and snacks as you get to know your fellow stargazing community and learn simple skills in stargazing. Each event will meet outdoors at the beach. Once everyone has arrived and settled, Dawn will give a brief discussion on the practical applications of Astrology, after which we will use our tools to view the current star-scape and visible planets!
These are a FREE, family-friendly events. Complimentary drinks and snacks will be provided. Invite your family and your friends. Additional chairs and blankets are appreciated, and be sure to bring warm layers for the stargazing portion of the night. Late arrivals welcome.
**Please be aware these events are dependent upon the weather.**
Please check the Facebook page facebook.com/astronotions, for current updates regarding location, topics of discussion, and cancellations due to weather.
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Archetypes provide a blueprint by which we may view the interior energetic structure of existence. By studying the twelve archetypes defined by Astrology, we can learn to identify these forces as they come upon us, and as we create and express them ourselves, developing self-mastery. The astrological chart is a useful tool for understanding the qualities and functions of these archetypes. The archetypal astrological chart is comprised of a circle divided into twelve parts--30 degrees for each sign of the zodiac. As the belt of the zodiacal constellations revolves overheard, we liken this circle to a wheel which spins. Moving step by step along the path of the wheel, we are guided through the mythic journey of the archetypal human life.
In this workshop, we will examine the fundamental structure and symbolism that informs the practice of Astrology. Using the archetypal wheel as our guiding compass, we will follow the cycle of the seasons to see how the cycles of man emerge from and are reflected by the cycles of nature. The archetypal wheel provides three overlapping and interpenetrating layers of archetypes, providing three paradigms through which to gain deeper insight--the signs, the planets, and the houses.
The planets are the acting forces of the archetypes, the embodied form that filters the one light of the Sun into its myriad of expressions.
The signs are the descriptive qualities of the archetypes, the light as it appears to us after it has passed through the filter of the planets and arrived on Earth in accordance with the seasons.
The houses are how the archetypes manifest through the human psyche, the conception of the archetypes projected upon the human experience.
In this workshop, we will study each sign individually, discussing its ruling planet and corresponding house. In addition to these three main pillars, we will learn the meaning behind the glyphs and symbols as well as the elements and modalities to understand the essence and polarity of each archetype.
Upon completion, participants of this workshop are eligible for discounted private natal chart consultations - $25 off the first hour!
Click here for a current schedule of workshops!
Would you like to offer this workshop at your studio, retreat, or event? Click here to partner with me!
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Learn the basics of how to read an astrological natal chart in this introductory workshop. We will dissect the chart to understand its construction, and how it is designed to work as both a map and a clock to help us navigate the human experience of life in space and time.
Topics of discussion include:
- the archetypes as defined by the planets, signs, and houses,
- the assignation of rulerships, elements, and modalities
- the essence and polarity of each archetype, and how to find the power of this dynamic balance
- the calculations that yield the angles and planetary positions in the chart
- resources to use at home for further learning
Upon completion, participants of this workshop are eligible for discounted private natal chart consultations - $25 off the first hour!
Click here for a current schedule of workshops!
Would you like to offer this workshop at your studio, retreat, or event? Click here to partner with me!
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private workshops
If you would like to practice Astrology one-on-one with me or in a private groups, please click here for more information on rates and to schedule a session!
Everyone's path is unique, inspired by different circumstances and motivated by personal concerns. For this reason, my consultations are available in a variety of forms to best suit your needs. Please contact me here to request a reading or inquire further.
★ natal chart reading - in person or by skype:
1st hour - $75 2nd hour - +$50 additional time - $35/hr
This is the most popular option, as clients generally find that real-time, face-to-face communication is the quickest route to greater insight. If you are outside the Northern California region, we can set an appointment to Skype. I will request your birth information--place, date, and time as EXACT as possible--when we set the appointment, as well as any specific questions you may have. The more time I have to spend with your chart, and the more specific we can be with our focus, the more it will reveal its aspects. Readings must be at least one hour in duration, with a reduced rate for the second hour, and a reduced rate for additional hours after that. Each reading includes email correspondence before and after to help plan and integrate the session.
★ natal chart reading - written report:
Short report - $75 in-depth report - $250 transit forecast - $50
The Short Report is the most popular option for written readings. It offers a planet-by-planet summary of the natal chart by, including a description of the meaning of its placement by sign, house, and major aspects. The Short Report also includes a brief explanation of the angles (Ascendant and Midheaven), the nodes of the Moon, and a clear and concise analysis of the major themes present in the interaction of the archetypes. The Short Report is approximately 2-3 pages in length, and provides and excellent launching pad for personal astrological study. If you decide to purchase the In-depth Report anytime after receiving your Short Report, you are eligible for a $50 discount.
The In-depth Report is a thorough analysis of your natal chart including a transit forecast. It offers a comprehensive view of the archetypes emphasized in your celestial alignment. The In-depth Report includes all the points of the short report, but in more detail and tailored more specifically to your inquiries. The In-depth Report is approximately 5-7 pages in length, and provides a deeper layer of interpretation for those more familiar with the basic principles of Astrology. If you have already purchased the Short Report prior to the In-depth Report, you will receive a $50 discount.
The Transit Forecast is a summary of how and where each planet is currently transiting your chart. The Transit Forecast builds upon the information in your natal chart to show what influences are energetically present, and how you may best channel them according to your natal alignment.