The Sun and Moon meet this month in the sign of Capricorn. It is the first new moon of the Gregorian calendar year, and as such carries a weighted social import in regards to new beginnings. Although it seems counterintuitive to celebrate fresh starts in the dead of winter, there is a solar significance underlying this social construct. The sign of Capricorn commences with the Northern hemisphere’s Winter Solstice. On the archetypal wheel, this point sits at the top of the Cardinal cross, at the pinnacle of the wheel itself. The solstices are still-points in the solar cycle. The winter season is when the Sun tracks lowest in the sky, rising at the same point on the horizon for three days before initiating its ascent towards the Summer Solstice. This can be likened to the phases of the Moon, with the Winter Solstice being the “new” phase, which waxes towards the Summer Solstice, the “full” phase. In this manner, we see the ancient logic of the wheel, and how that has influenced our modern world.
Capricorn is the sign of the “sea-goat.” It is an arcane symbol, and like Sagittarius before it, one that must be understood in each of its parts, as well as their integration. Often the symbolism of this sign is shorthanded, with preference towards emphasizing the goat aspect. This comes as no surprise, as the qualities of the goat lends themselves easily to the mythos of Capricorn--the hard working individual who seeks a purposeful life and achievement in the material world. Aligned to the top of the archetypal wheel, the metaphor of a life’s journey as ascending a mountain dovetails nicely with the message of this sign. Capricorn is eager to reach the top, but also understands it requires hard work, and thus the agility and perseverance of the mountain goat are indicated here.
But what of the “sea-goat,” whose backside is not legs furry and hoofed, but a tail scaled and finned? What are we to make of this hybrid creature and its meaning? We can look to the wheel to uncover the polarity being highlighted in this deliberate iconography. With Capricorn at the pinnacle, we must look to the nadir of the wheel, where we find the sign of Cancer, guardian of the waters. Here is the key to unlocking the meaning of this mysterious being--it is the stirrings from the depths of our soul that impel us to our greatest heights. Capricorn is not simply a sign of material success, but of self-actualization. With Cancer ruling the home and personal emotion, we begin to perceive a more holistic definition of achievement. In this expanded view, our earthy goals are in fact generated by our watery desires, as we discover that self-actualization demands our shadow not be repressed, but integrated to create a healthy and wholesome individual. In this manner, external accomplishments are bound by our internal integrity. Success that neglects this principle cannot be maintained indefinitely.
Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth sign of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Saturn. In the body, Saturn rules the bones, the hardest tissue in the body, and the material upon which all the other systems in the body are built. This skeletal structure can be likened to our principles, as both provide a framework for action. Capricorn, specifically, is associated with the knees, which serve to stabilize the standing body, or to propel the body forward. Symbolically, the knee represents how we stand and how we walk in this world, both of which contribute to how we author our role in society. As the Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn is the supreme energy of manifestation, where we learn to bring our ideas into form in a way that is both practical and enduring amid the complexities of the social sphere.
This new moon has a heavy emphasis on Capricorn, due to the fact that six of the ten astrological planets will be occupying the sign at the time of the Sun and Moon’s conjunction. Mercury, which is never more than one sign away from the Sun, will be there, as well as Venus. Saturn has recently ingressed into the sign, where he will stay for nearly three years time. This alignment of Saturn with this sign of its rulership is definitely a heavy-hitting energy. However, it may be lessons from Pluto that resonate most powerfully this new moon, as this planet has been residing in Capricorn since 2008 and will not be moving out until 2024. Pluto is the planet of regeneration. While Saturn in Capricorn cautions that any lasting success requires hard work, Pluto in Capricorn reveals how transformative the process of self-actualization truly is. Like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, we must first die to the old in order to become the new.
Venus sits close to the new moon, and her pleasant nature will soften the harder lessons of Saturn and Pluto, as well as the hard angle Uranus makes to this moon. A tight sextile between Jupiter and Pluto will bring new inspiration to power, and empower our inner visionary. With the influence of Venus, this conversation cannot be had without also assessing how we prioritize our values. There is much opportunity to be had here at the first new moon following the calendar New Year, but the path to external success and esteemed social status starts within. Pluto holds the secrets of our deepest soul desires, the fuel the feeds our personal power. By employing Saturn’s structure and honoring our Venusian values, we create healthy boundaries that serve to channel each individual’s energy into a meaningful vocation. In this manner we each engage in an essential reciprocity with our community to create its form, as our work shores up and safeguards our social structures to ensure they remain upright and moving towards progress.
All of the planets are linked to this new moon, and all planets are in direct motion! The outer planets are shifting from fire into earth signs, shifting the celestial energies from inspiration to fruition. With Saturn as the moon’s ruler, however, we may be faced with our fears, and further concede that it is best not to avoid the good work of living in integrity. As the butterfly requires the restriction of the cocoon to strengthen its wings for flight, so do the rings of Saturn serve to test our tenacity. The process of self-actualization demands time and commitment, but it yields the greatest treasure of this material world--knowledge of self and one’s place in the world. In the darkness of the new moon, should the celestial energies become too heavy to bear, turn to Venus and remember what it is you value. As you rise to claim authority of your role in this world, remember to have compassion for yourself, and that each obstacle we encounter is an opportunity for transformation. Tap into your inner well of self-love to sustain you as you climb the mountain of your soul’s potential.