JUPITER DIRECT: Auspices of the Outer Planets

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True to its mutable nature, the Gemini New Moon in late May introduced a flurry of activity in the skies, all part of the major shake-up happening across the pattern of our star-scape.  While the outer planets change their long-standing configurations gradually, the inner planets make their rounds more quickly, creating more accessible channels by which to draw cosmic intelligence into personal insight.  Last week, major aspects involving Mercury, Venus, and Mars in relationship with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto prepared the stage for tomorrow’s full moon.  

Aspects involving Jupiter are often met with much fanfare.  Called the “Greater Benefic,” Jupiter has a reputation for bringing bounty and blessings.  As Jupiter ends his retrograde and turns direct, it seems the good luck will flow unimpeded to support the birth of our inspiration into manifestation.  However, in examining Jupiter’s retrograde this year, we find it was not a respite, but served to spotlight one of the most intense and enduring aspect configurations of the last decade.

The tension of the Uranus-Pluto square has waxed and waned since 2010.  As the two planets have moved in and out of this aspect, they have been destabilizing the common constructs that have held human societies together for generations.  Pluto in Capricorn is the planet of power and transformation in the sign of material status.  Uranus in Aries is the planet of technology and revolution in the sign of self.  In this time, individuals percolate and perpetuate their identities and ideologies online, fracturing our neighborly civility as we break through our geographic containers to receive a virtual stream of information.  Meanwhile, Earth’s resources have been consolidated towards previously unseen heights of material wealth that is available only to the few in power, leaving those at the bottom to seek to transform the hierarchal systems that do not reflect universal ideals.  As outer planets, the influence of Uranus and Pluto is so large, and unfolds so slowly, that our experience of their energies is witnessed through generational events, often unseen to the individual eye until long after the effects are underway.

Jupiter joined these two planets late last year, moving into Libra to oppose Uranus and form a T-square amongst the three planets.  His retrograde has kept him in close aspect for months, allowing his distinct qualities to shine a new light on the matter.  Along with Saturn, Jupiter is known as a social planet, the two planets that are the bridge connecting the lessons of the inner, personal planets and the outer, transpersonal planets.  In opposition with Uranus, Jupiter in Libra reveals how the reflections our personal relationships provide imparts valuable guidance and support as we battle to revolutionize our sense of self (Uranus in Aries).  This opposition has highlighted another channel by which to resolve the Uranus-Pluto conflict.  

The struggle to liberate one’s unique self expression in the face of monolithic institutions exposes the implicit power imbalances between the two.  Jupiter in Libra presents the way to wed the personal and transpersonal experience--social interaction.  Investing in our personal relationships ripples both inward to reference our center and outward to connect our communities.  The one-on-one relationships indicated by the sign of Libra are the mirrors in which we see whether or not we are centered in our truth. With Jupiter in this sector of the sky this full moon, honest communication in our personal relationships is a practice of self-exploration.  Commitment to seeking a harmonious balance of differing personal truths leads one into better alignment with the higher order of universal laws, where one may prevail in the perception of cosmic justice.

Jupiter is now moving direct, but how much baggage will he carry with him?  The truth is, this is the planet of luck, pure and simple.  However, whether that luck is received as good or bad is determined by one’s internal alignment.  As Jupiter has liberated himself from the T-square, the moon waxes, and each of the personal planets has taken a part in opening channels to the outer planets.  Uranus has broken away from its tension with Pluto, now locking into a long-term harmonious aspect with Saturn. Saturn’s influence is strong this moon, and will help to rebuild the structures Uranus has broken apart.  The Full Moon occurs close to Saturn in Sagittarius, and just as the Moon moves into exact conjunction with the “Lord of Karma,” Jupiter moves direct. 

Jupiter is the ruler of the Sagittarius Moon, and in this role he imparts inspired vision-- the aim which keeps our direction true through the ups and downs of the cycles we call fate and fortune. In the sign of Libra, Jupiter himself is ruled by Venus, the “Lesser Benefic.”  Venus is strengthened as she moves through the other sign she rules--Taurus.  With both “benefic” planets moving in direct motion through harmonious signs, this moon may help resolve the lingering lessons that are currently inhibiting one’s progress.  All Full Moons are times of completion, and Saturn’s presence, admittedly stern and sober, here helps us to prune back what no longer serves to stimulate the growth that will propel us into the new self-awareness Uranus in Aries has exposed.  


As the Sun and the Moon move into the Air sign of Gemini, this year’s solar cycle is finally gaining momentum.  At the beginning of the calendar year, there was a brief window during which all the planets were moving in direct motion.  This initial thrust of celestial action quickly decelerated, however, with the oncoming retrogrades of inner planets Mercury and Venus, in addition to the outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.  Now, with Mercury and Venus having emerged from their post-retrograde shadows, the celestial mirror is showing a more favorable time for moving ahead with personal projects.

Gemini is the most mercurial of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Meaning “unpredictable” or “changeable,” this fitting adjective is in fact derived from the name of Gemini’s planetary ruler, Mercury.  Mercury is the Roman name for the Greek god Hermes, the youthful and mischievous messenger god who governs the communication and commerce that underpin our daily interactions.  Hermes was depicted as youthful in appearance, but also in temperament. He was known to play pranks on the other gods and goddesses of the archetypal pantheon.  The astrological image of Gemini aligns closely with this mythical god.  Those with strong Gemini energy are known for their sociability and curiosity, but not always their reliability!  

This inconsistency inherent in the nature of Gemini is revealed by its element.  Movement is the expression of the Air element.  Air symbolizes the mental realm, in which thoughts flow through the mind like a breeze through the trees--invisible yet influential.  Air can penetrate places that other elements cannot, as the mind can envision that which is not yet manifest.  Unlike the fire that consumes, the earth that consolidates, or the water that dissolves, air distributes itself in all directions.  This accounts for the affable nature of Gemini, which seeks the camaraderie of the peer group, using language to bridge the space between different minds. Gemini revels in childlike curiosity, eager to understand things from all angles.  Like air, the energy of Gemini suffuses “the commons”--where communities gather in conversation and trade. This sign delights in the pure enjoyment of these communal activities, and in learning the lessons of interpersonal interactions.

Gemini is symbolized by the Twins.  As the first Air sign of the solar cycle, this symbol demonstrates that the mind is primarily dualistic.  In the physical body, the Twins signifies the basic symmetry within the human form, including our organs of air--the lungs.  Yet despite this emphasis on twos, Gemini is not the second sign, but the third.  The duality of Gemini always contains an implied third.  Gemini is not only the existence of duality, but also the realization that unity encompasses any duality.  Two poles define one axis, as one coin has two faces.  While Aries and Taurus represent the primary masculine and feminine energies within each of us, Gemini--ruled by gender-neutral Mercury--is the awareness that identifies the source, recognizes its divergence, and promotes the creativity of re-union.

This new moon, as the one which preceded it, is unburdened by external aspects.  While Mercury and Venus in retrograde asked us to reevaluate our methods and motives, we were given time to integrate these lessons as each traversed its post-retrograde shadow.  Although there are no aspects to this Moon, we can glean deeper insight by looking to the planets which rules the sign. In the sign of Gemini, this moon is ruled by Mercury.  The general flurry of Mercury is currently grounded through the Earth sign of Taurus, itself ruled by gentle Venus.  Venus is currently emboldened in Aries, the Fire sign ruled by headstrong Mars.  Mars, in turn, is also in Gemini, completing the energetic circle.  We see that both luminaries (Sun and Moon) as well as all three personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) are all unified through the first three signs of Spring by a connective chain of rulership, strengthening one another’s expression.  Looking to the outer planets, Uranus has broken free of its T-square with Pluto and Jupiter, to form a more harmonious aspect, a Grand Fire Trine with Saturn and the Moon’s North Node.  Uranus, sextile to Mars in Gemini, provokes an added dash of unpredictability, yet it is precisely these aberrations to the mental pattern that create insights of genius.  

Utilizing the Gemini energy, inquire deeper, but broader too.  Look to your peers to reflect where you are in terms of where you are going.  Cultivate a childlike humility, examining both sides of any situation, and asking plenty of questions to keep your thoughts on the right track. Mercury/Hermes as the Trickster reveals how our minds can deceive us, so be honest with yourself about the answers you receive. The image of Mercury/Hermes with winged sandals lends another message. Stay light on your feet this moon to keep up with new information and insights that may serve to stabilize your endeavors in the long term.  


April’s new moon is in the sign of Taurus.  As the Fixed Earth sign of the zodiac, Taurus represents the abundance and fertility present in the natural environment. When the modalities were established, the “fixed” modality was assigned to the constellations that rise with the Sun in the middle of each season.  Thus, we find that fixed signs such as Taurus sustain energy. In the northern hemisphere, this aligns with the heart of springtime, when the new shoots that burst forth during Aries secure and strengthen their physical form.

The symbol for Taurus is in its name, derived from the Latin for “bull.” The Bull represents power and virility, endurance and perseverance.  The fixed modality, combined with this animal symbolism, conveys the tenacious quality of this sign. Indeed, those with Sun in Taurus are often stereotyped as stubborn!  The bull is notorious for its unflinching will, choosing by its own determination to be immovable or unstoppable. However, approached correctly, even the indomitable bull may be yoked to the plow to turn the fields.  When we honor her rhythms and move in right relationship with them, nature yields her power and abundance for our material gain.

Historically, bulls and cows have been visible markers of wealth, supplying their owners not only with labor, but also with milk, meat, and fertilizer for personal use and trade.  Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, who is mythically linked to fortune and prosperity herself.  Furthermore, Venus governs our values, and in Taurus, rules the season of sowing during which we must evaluate what is of the best use for our attention, time, and resources to reap the desired harvest later in the year.

The glyph for Taurus also resembles the image of a bull.  It appears as the creature’s head, a circle with horns rising above to either side.  At first glance, it is an obvious depiction, but let’s read a little deeper into this image of Taurus. The glyph has two parts--a circle and an upward-facing crescent.  This shows the circle of conscious energy wearing a receptive crown.  The crescent shape resembles the Moon, which governs the water cycle that nourishes life on Earth.  In this manner, the glyph further indicates the Taurean symbolism of “tuning in” to the natural rhythms.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, preceded in the solar cycle only by Aries.  Ruled by Venus and Mars, respectively, they represent the two primary energies--one receptive and the other active.  Taurus, an Earth sign, is the fuel that steadies and sustains the raw vitality of the Fire sign, Aries.  Taurus reveals the bountiful resources of the natural environment, and the power of properly utilizing these gifts. Actions initiated within the natural rhythms will flow forward with ease, through the harnessing of ecological synergy.  

This new moon is self-contained, with no difficult aspects. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, a sign which provides a neutral home for the Sun. Venus, ruler of Taurus, just completed her retrograde and is now moving direct. Following a period of reassessing our value structure*, we may now be eager to move into action. With Venus on the cusp of Aries, and Mars in energetic Gemini, it seems the celestial energies are revving up!  But the time for decisive action has not yet quite arrived.  Venus in trine with Saturn shows we must first take time to integrate our improved value structure.  Mercury in retrograde until May 3rd indicates a period of reflection is still upon us. It is the time to allow our heart’s truth to percolate through our minds, to compassionately change the old patterns of our thoughts, and break our habits to infuse our behavior with the power of intention.  Relax your mind to receive these heart-felt gifts. Enjoy the simple sensory pleasures nature provides--the budding flowers, a piece of sweet fruit, the warming sunshine and the refreshing rains.  Taurus is the time to be inspired the wondrous life and nurturing growth available all around us...Tune in and take part in its splendor!

For more on Venus retrograde see here: https://www.celestialdawnastrology.com/writings/2017/3/27/venus-retrograde-rediscovering-the-truth-of-your-heart