The Equinoxes occur when the Sun crosses the celestial equator. This phenomenon results in the entire globe experiencing one day of roughly equal light and dark twice in a solar year. In the case of the Spring Equinox, the Sun is moving northward, creating longer periods of daytime until reaching the longest day on the Summer Solstice in June. In Astrology, the Spring Equinox corresponds with the Sun’s movement into Aries, commencing a new turning of the astrological wheel.

Like our Sun, our Moon, and the spherical planet on which we live, Astrology is not linear. From the darkness of winter, the initiating sign of Aries seems to spring forth as if from nothing. However, let’s look to the archetypal wheel, as everything is a product of that which precedes it. Aries is born of Pisces, the final sign in the zodiac, representing the boundless sea of consciousness from which material reality percolates. Aries is the individuated consciousness, the soul separated from this “Source” through birth into a unique human body. Aries is the beginning of duality, as shown in its glyph in which one stream splits into two diverging courses. This is an eternal “conflict” that spurs Aries forward into the unknown--the emergence into and need to evolve through a world of duality in which different individual needs (and different individuals in need) compete for satisfaction. Aries is the quality of bravery inherent in the birthright of liberty.

Symbolized by the Ram, Aries energy is raw vitality--headstrong, impulsive, and determined. Ruled by Mars, this archetype is denoted by the Warrior, and describes the courage necessary to boldly face whatever battles may arise. The status of the Warrior is elevated through conflict--not an easy destiny to fulfill, but one that speaks to the heart of our survival on Earth. In Aries, the Sun is exalted. The Sun represents the supreme expression of one’s being, and in Aries, we are gifted the courage and tenacity to overcomes the external obstacles and conquer the inner demons that prevent us from living our truth. These conflicts teach us what we are passionate enough to fight for, a necessary step to learning how and when to properly direct our will.

As the Sun initiates its cycle on March 20, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus will also be in Aries. While the actions of these planets will be influenced by these energies, we can look to the ruler of Aries for more insight. Mars is in Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, thus placing these two polar planets in a state of “mutual reception.” This means the two harmonize in a special way, informing each other’s movements. We are encouraged to re-evaluate our values (Venus) to see how they influence the direction of our actions (Mars). (For more on Venus retrograde cycle, see my blog Venus Retrograde: Rediscovering the Truth of Your Heart.)

Despite the preponderance of planets in fiery Aries, there is a significant showing of the earth element this Equinox. This brings a much needed stabilizing effect following the eclipse period and through the transition from winter to spring. The rambunctious energy of Mars in Taurus is constrained by the fixed rhythms of nature, yet it is here too that he finds fuel for endurance. The Moon is exactly conjunct Saturn, the “Taskmaster,” as the Sun passes the zero point of Aries. Polar archetypes, the changeable Moon and steady Saturn energies do not always blend well. Saturn asks that we get serious, and subdue our emotional whims to the duty at hand. Utilized properly, this meeting can have the positive effect of establishing firm boundaries ahead of the Moon’s movement into Capricorn forms a loose Grand Earth Trine with Mars in Taurus and the North Node in Virgo later the same day. Strong and stable in its geometry, this earthy influence tempers the fluctuations of the Moon and the impulses of Mars, giving them a clear channel of expression through the North Node.

The North Node indicates the general trajectory of the evolution of human consciousness at a given time. As the interacting movements of the celestial spheres reveals a complex solar circuitry, we look to the Nodes to understand the thematic purpose of the process as it develops. Looking to the Nodes, we find we are in a time of transition not just in our earthly cycle as we shift from winter to spring, but also in our nodal (karmic) cycle, as the eclipses shift from Virgo-Pisces to Leo-Aquarius. This configuration of the Grand Earth Trine allows us to seal the lessons of service and sacrifice that we have learned in the past two years, allowing us to find emotional security (Moon in Capricorn) by tuning our desires to the rhythms of nature (Mars in Taurus) to manifest the achievement of our mission on Earth (North Node in Virgo).

The Equinox is a time when the archetypal energies restore equanimity. Take time to re-establish a healthy balance in your life by adjusting your actions to match your intentions, as shaped by your values. The celestial mirror has been reflecting a time ripe for conscious change. Take the week after the Equinox to assess. The new moon in Aries on March 27 is the perfect time to seed new behaviors and endeavors. As we move towards the Summer Solstice, we will find that if we have taken the time to truly integrate the Virgo-Pisces lessons, we may shift into more confident, creative self-expression, which in turn will reveal the gifts we have to share with our community.


On March 3rd, Venus will stop just shy of meeting Uranus and Mars, turning retrograde and heading back towards Pisces. Venus is the planet of values and relationships, ruling the signs of Taurus (where she represents the abundance of nature) and Libra (where she harmonizes in relationship).  Retrograde refers to the apparent reverse motion of a planet in our sky, an event which indicates a time to internally integrate the qualities and lessons of a particular planet (for more on retrograde, read my blog post Retrogrades and Resolution).

Beginning its backwards motion in Aries, the sign of self, we may feel somewhat disoriented.  As the quality of Venus is the matrix of relationship into which we are born and from which we develop the value structure that binds us in community and sustains our evolution, Venus gives our personal mission its context.  With the Sun in Pisces conjunct its ruler, Neptune, our central identity is unmoored.  Mercury sits even closer to Neptune, permeating our reasoning with his fog of uncertainty.  Some will delight in this existential freedom, but for many of us, hot off the heels of the electric conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Aries, there may be an unnerving sensation of a loss of the vitality that galvanized our strength of purpose and clarified our direction.

Venus rules resources.  In retrograde, we are asked to gather our internal resources and reassess the value structure we have created for ourselves.  With the conjunction of Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in the spiritual sign of Pisces, there is a unique opportunity to profoundly re-center our core identity to align with Source.  As the eclipse cycle shifts, we are entering a new celestial phase.  Here at the end of winter, just before the solar zodiacal cycle begins anew, we are given a chance to radically re-center ourselves in right relationship between our spiritual essence and our material assets.  In this way, we are able to be in more harmonious community with the people and elements around us.

The same day Venus turns retrograde, a significant configuration will be at the height of its influence, pointing the way.  The Yod, also known as the “Finger of God,” is formed by two planets in sextile, each quincunx a third planet.  The two planets in sextile enjoy a harmonious connection, stabilizing one another the tense aspect to the third, and forming a narrow base for a triangle sharply pointing to the apex planet. In this instance, the planets involved are the Moon in Taurus and Chiron in Pisces at the base, and Jupiter in Libra at the apex.  Jupiter in Libra teaches lessons of the collective wisdom, higher truths encoded in the natural order.  Now that we may need to rearrange our value structure to be in better accordance with these universal laws, the Moon in Taurus reveals the emotional security we had invested there.  Chiron in Pisces, meanwhile,  reveals the deep wound that may have disrupted our innate spiritual imprint, and set us up to develop a value structure whose center was misaligned with our spiritual source.  

If you choose to engage with the deep wound archetype of Chiron, accept and allow these difficult emotions to move through as a necessary purging. Venus will be in retrograde until she meets Chiron, where she stations to turn direct once more.  Venus never afflicts.  The lesser benefic, Venus is receptive by nature, and her presence may attract many gifts to those open to her influence. Trust--a loose trine of Moon and Pluto in earth signs show that the difficult emotion that may arise can be properly grounded and released.

I Believe.  The motto of Pisces means “I am with Love.”  Love is the archetypal human force that emerges from proper alignment with Source.  Though this transit may initially provoke some qualms, as Mars moves into the earth sign of Taurus and the Sun reaches confident Aries, the path will become more solid and the footing more sure.  On the Equinox, the Moon will join Saturn before moving on to form a Grand Earth Trine with Mars, the planet of action and initiation, and the North Node, our forward trajectory (more on that closer to the Equinox!).  Trust the presence of a higher order can show the way.  Believe in the capacity of love to carry you through.

Planets transiting Aries may prime your internal warrior archetype.  Observe where you leap to battle--what values do you feel sworn to protect? If such protection requires a sacrifice of harmony in a relationship, what then is truly worth defending? Wait to make any definitive decisions in regards to resources or relationships. Strong emotions may demand release--be sure this is directed in a healthy manner.  It is not the time to fight, but to allow these primal energies to show you what values truly inspire your passion. 

All planets will be in direct motion except the Greater and Lesser Benefics, Jupiter and Venus.  The gifts we receive now will be found within. Pay attention to your own internal messaging.  Pisces rules dreams.  What dreams do you create in the complete conscious liberty of sleep?  What daydreams pass like clouds over your waking hours?  What dreams of achievement define the aim of your efforts?  Here are the clues to lead you back to your true center, the truth of your heart.


The full moon on February 10th marks the beginning of the end for the Virgo-Pisces eclipse cycle that began in 2015.  An eclipse occurs when there is a special alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, so that the visible face of either the Sun or the Moon is obscured by shadow.  During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.  During a lunar eclipse, the Earth’s shadow darkens the Moon.  Eclipses always come in pairs, one on a new moon (solar) and one on a full moon (lunar).  

We can see that one key to understanding eclipses is the concept of the “shadow.”  The Sun represents the primary essence of the outwardly evolving self.  The Moon represents the natural and human heritage that has formed the incarnating soul.  The dynamic interplay of Sun and Moon energies best describe the individual, and eclipses explicitly cast a shadow across how we know these energies to be--how we identify and understand ourselves.  Eclipses, therefore, can indicate times of crisis.  It is generally recommended to avoid making any major decisions in the weeks surrounding an eclipse as new information can emerge quite spontaneously from the depths of the shadow.

This lunar eclipse falls as the Sun in Aquarius opposes the Moon in Leo.  Sun in Aquarius is dually ruled by Saturn (consolidator of form) and Uranus (disrupter of form).  The energy of Aquarius serves to identify, dismantle, and change systems and structures that govern our lives.  It is not only the sign of the genius, but also the humanitarian.  Aquarius utilizes mental ingenuity for the benefit of their larger human family.  But despite this attribute, the intellectual Aquarius is often perceived as aloof and cool in personal interaction, not at all like its polar sign--warm, fiery Leo.  The Moon in Leo is ruled by the Sun.  The sign of creative self expression, Leo governs the concept of the individual self and the willpower sustaining creation.  Leo is lovable and loyal with a dramatic flair.  As an added energetic bonus, while the Moon in Leo is opposing its ruler (the Sun), it is also in harmonious aspect to the Sun in Aquarius’s rulers (Saturn and Uranus).  Moon, Saturn, and Uranus will form a Grand Fire Trine!  This is a torch of willpower to help guide us through a time of darkened light.

Since full moons always occur during the opposition of Sun and Moon, it is an excellent time to investigate how the polarity of two signs work together to create a complementary whole.  With the Sun, center of our entire solar system, in Aquarius, we are asked to examine our place within our human family, and how we are contributing to the society that helped to nurture and sustain our growth.  The Moon in Leo taps us into our inner child, and lends us insight into our primary joy--employing our willpower to consciously co-create our lives.  Thus, along the Leo-Aquarius axis, we discover how the unique expression of the individual’s divine consciousness (Leo) is the gift each of us has to share with the world (Aquarius).  This axis illustrates how the individual will sustains the evolution of humanity.  This sustaining quality is evident in the  fixed modality of this axis, a keyword for which is LOVE.

Use this full moon to tap into your Leonine sense of joy.  Use its eclipse to identify what is shadowing your joy, and dimming its light.  Employ the Aquarian perspective to find clarity around what adjustments you can make to better shine your light in the world.  We will have one final eclipse in Virgo-Pisces on February 26th, highlighting the axis of spiritual and earthly service.  Consider what lessons you have learned in this regard the last two years.  This eclipse will uncover the unique gift you possess that will best be of service to the highest evolution of yourself and humanity!