jupiter in scorpio


This month the Sun and Moon conjoin in the heart of Scorpio.  The sign of Scorpio has been a celestial center stage recently, with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter transiting the sign.  Scorpio is also host to two current retrograde cycles--Mercury who will move back into the sign as he retrogrades from his current abode in Sagittarius, and Venus, currently in Libra, who will retrace her steps through the sign after she turns direct.   

Marianne Williamson famously said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”  This quote speaks to the nature of Scorpio.  The sign of Scorpio rules death, sex, and shared resources.  These subjects are rife with the dynamics of power and are potential tools for manipulation.  It is no wonder this sign carries a loaded social stigma!  Ruled by Mars, the planet of raw energy, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, when properly focused, Scorpio is indomitable.  This archetype connects us to our primal urges, our sexual vitality, and our subconscious desires.  It serves to remind us of the mandate of our incarnation.  It contains the remnants of the rituals of socialization that existed before the pressure of civilization coerced the individual to keep a lid on their creative cauldron.

The energy of Scorpio plunges us into the depths of our self-identity as social interactions challenge our commitment to our values.  It is in the proper channeling of the power of our personal energy that we discover our magic.  Magic is earthly art, a manipulation of the material realm.  Magic involves harnessing one’s personal will power to engage with the natural forces that conspire to create form.  Being of the incarnate realm, magic is bound by the laws of cause and effect, and requires self-mastery to avoid its pitfalls.  

Thus we encounter the secretive quality of Scorpio.  In many ways, the magic of Scorpio was forced into hiding, as social expectations shifted and turned towards subjugating the power of the felt-sense in favor of logic.  In other ways, this hidden nature is a chosen condition.  All matter is energy, and energy is characterized by its vibration.  For human beings, sound is the most direct way to manipulate energy.  For this reason, Scorpio’s power is in its silence, for Scorpio understands to speak idle thoughts is to dilute the magical power inherent in one’s voice.  Being ruled by assertive Mars, Scorpio favors direct action, but is not of an impulsive nature like the Fire sign Aries, the other sign ruled by Mars.  As the Fixed Water sign, Scorpio instead pools its strength, and like its symbol the Scorpion, waits for the right moment to strike.

The Water element is particularly strong this new moon, and we may find ourselves sinking deep into our own inner well with the darkening of the Moon.  A Grand Water Trine has been uniting the latter degrees of the three water signs in harmonious connection--Chiron in Pisces, Jupiter in Scorpio, and the North Node which has recently entered Cancer.  This arrangement reveals connections of deep wounds (Chiron), faith (Jupiter), and destiny (North Node).  Meanwhile, the new moon itself makes a trine to Neptune, the mythological ruler of the sea, in the oceanic sign of Pisces.  The modern ruler of Pisces, Neptune connects us to the Cosmic Heart of our spiritual source.  As the traditional ruler of Pisces, Jupiter imparts the optimistic nature of faith.  The day following the new moon, the Moon meets Jupiter on the threshold of Sagittarius, making the new moon the last major astrological event in which Jupiter remains in Scorpio.

This new moon, examine the balance of power in your relationships.  What relationships, emotional, financial or otherwise, drain your energy and deplete your magic?  Conversely, what fills your well?  Consider what debts need to be repaid, and what your investments have yielded.  Don’t be afraid to cut your losses.  Even when we find ourselves on the losing end of a bargain, we may still find value in the lesson of the experience.  Before he leaves the sign, take this new moon to channel the optimism of Jupiter, and carry with you the faith that in every death is a rebirth.  Your power is beyond measure. Tap the deep well of your heart-space, be honest about your desires, and speak your wish.