
GEMINI NEW MOON: Mind Over Matter

Shorty before the solstice, the Sun and Moon will meet in the sign of Gemini.  Traditionally, the new moon is a time of turning inward and setting intention, a practice which is born of stillness and introspection.  Gemini, however, is known for its sociability, possessing an active mind and tittering tongue.  As the Mutable Air sign, its modality and element combine to make Gemini the most versatile of all the signs of the zodiac.  However, when not properly grounded, versatility can become inconsistency, a quality that can complicate the singularity of focus required in the intention-setting process.

Gemini is the archetypal messenger of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Mercury.  In the Greek pantheon, Mercury was known as Hermes.  Hermes was a youthful god whose duties included carrying messages between the other gods and goddesses, presiding over trade and short distance travel, and escorting the dead from their earthly existence into the Underworld as a psychopomp.  Through this diversity of roles, we find a common thread--the energy of Mercury serves as a conduit between different realms of experience, forming a conceptual structure we call our daily reality.  

As an archetype, the element of Air is a fitting representation for this phenomenon.  Its concurrent ability to permeate a space while remaining invisible is a fitting metaphor for how our cognitive filters shape our reality.  Unseen by the eye, thoughts move quickly and lightly through the mind, as words find their expression upon the body’s breath.  It is an easy matter to underestimate what remains hidden from view, and if we are not careful, we can find ourselves blindsided by our own biases.  In its positive expression, this energy is able to move like wind to penetrate borders and bridge differences--minds connect by way of conversation, nations ally according to trade agreements, and the greatest bridge of all, the soul transitions from life to death.  The inconspicuous nature of this element fits Gemini well, as its ruling planet, Mercury is itself often obscured from sight, lost in the bright light of the Sun.

Gemini is mutable by modality.  Mutable literally means “changeable,” and is the modality assigned to the signs that come as one season transforms into another.  Mutable signs are known for the quality of adaptability, something in which Gemini is particularly adept.  As the communicator, Gemini has the ability to move easily between minds and to perceive a single idea from a multitude of perspectives.  Thus, Gemini learns to employ a wide arrange of approaches and responses to best fit the social group they find themselves within.  By encouraging this common ground, Gemini excels at the brainstorming process, but can feel hampered by the process of implementation.  Manifestation requires working ideas down into the denser layers of reality, which feels restrictive to the mutable air sign.  

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, preceded by Aries and Taurus.  Ruled by Mars and Venus, respectively, these two signs represent the primary masculine and feminine forces, the pulsing duality that is the engine of life on Earth.  In Gemini, these two forces find communion in the gender-neutral Mercury.  The constellation for Gemini is the Twins, the glyph for Gemini shows two connected pillars, and it corresponds with The Lovers card in the Tarot, which shows a male and female standing together.  In every depiction of Gemini, we see the union of opposites.  Gemini is the magical third that emerges from the primary two.  Gemini rules pairs in the body, such as the lungs and the hands.  Less often mentioned is the two hemispheres of the brain, which stand alone in their governing functions, yet operate through cross communication.  It is this cross communication that creates the magic of conscious awareness.

             The glyph for Gemini

             The glyph for Gemini

           The Lovers card,               Rider-Waite Tarot deck

           The Lovers card,               Rider-Waite Tarot deck

Air is a stimulating force, which if not channeled properly can become restlessness.  This new moon stands alone, with no obvious lines of communication to the other planets.  The only major aspect involving this moon is a quincunx to Pluto.  The quincunx aspect is itself a discomfiting one, as it occurs between two signs that share neither element nor modality, and therefore have no inherent common ground between them.  This moon’s ruler, intellectual Mercury, is in emotional Cancer opposed the disciplinarian Saturn.  These aspects asks that we consider if our emotional baggage is hampering our progress on our life’s journey, while the Moon in Gemini asks that we remain curious as to why we decided to carry it in the first place.  Gemini prefers to keep things lighthearted and has two common responses to discomfort--talking it out or taking flight.  If not handled properly, the first approach can overburden the issue, while the second can be avoidant.  Although Gemini is greatly assured when surrounded and stimulated by likeminded peers, remember the greatest affirmation is that which comes from within.

There is much to be learned by sitting alone and finding the stillness within one’s inner stirrings.  This new moon, turn the focus inward and pay attention to how your own internal dialogue is shaping your perceptions.  The Sun represents our waking consciousness while the Moon represents our dreaming mind.  By holding space for the rational/intellectual mind to converse with the symbolic/intuitive mind, we complete the circuitry of our own consciousness, thus enlivening our awareness in action.  From here arises the Gemini quality of adaptability.  Gemini reminds us that reality is malleable.  An open mind is an invaluable tool, while a light heart will keep you true.  Use the power of mind over matter to shift your perspective when you need to create a bridge over troubled waters.  Allow fresh air in to reinvigorate your routine reactions, giving yourself clarity to contemplate each response from all angles to best actualize your greatest potential within each given moment.