
VIRGO NEW MOON: To Bear Harvest, Bear Witness


With the turning of the seasons here on Earth, so too have the celestial bodies overhead continued in their orbits to transform the seasons of our sky.  Notably, this year the nodes of the Moon shifted from their two year journey through the Virgo-Pisces axis into the polarity of Leo-Aquarius.  This new position was sealed by the total solar eclipse on August 21st.  In the wake of this grand alignment, many have been jostled awake, to find a new understanding of who they are and how they would like to express themselves within the cosmic theater of life. 

This new moon has a markedly different tone from the one prior. The total solar eclipse happened in the sign of Leo, the Sun-ruled Fire sign known for its center-stage, superstar flair. In trine with rebellious Uranus (itself in the battle-ready Fire sign of Aries), this eclipse spelled potential for disruption and drama, designed to stoke the flames of our internal passion and burn off the dross of our habitual patterns.  Now, the planetary weight is solidly within the humble and diligent Earth sign of Virgo.  Not only will the Sun and Moon conjoin at the far side of the sign (27 degrees), but Mercury and Mars will be nestled tight in its center, with Venus having entered the sign just hours prior to the conjunction of the two luminaries.  Three days later, the Sun moves into Libra, and the Equinox is upon us.

Virgo is one of few human figures among the symbols of the zodiac.  Virgo means the“virgin”--most often envisioned as the chaste maiden or the virgin mother.  The virginity implied by Virgo, however, extends beyond simple celibacy.  In fact, this definition is meant to encompass the larger sphere of internal attention.  After the realization of one’s own self-expression in Leo, in Virgo we move into self-possession.  Here, we apply a critical eye to our outward expression as we get into the business of internal inquiry, in the quest for self-improvement. It is not enough to simply exert one’s undeveloped willpower upon the world, Virgo cautions.  We must attend daily to the discernment of proper action, and engage dutifully in the process of bettering ourselves. In the archetypal process, this step of humble service is the hinge upon which we transition from the sphere of family, into the social sign of Libra that follows.

Coming at the end of the summer season, Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign.  The planetary ruler, Mercury, befits this modality, though it aligns less readily with this element. The mischievous messenger with the mythic winged helmet and sandals can perhaps be more easily identified in the other sign it rules, the Air sign of Gemini.  The expression of Mercury is different when channeled through Earth.  In this denser element, Mercury’s expression becomes less vocal and more manual.  Virgo comes at the time of the harvest, when one must marry the body’s capacity for physical labor with the mental faculty of discrimination to assess the value of the yield. Virgo bears more than the harvest, she also bears honest witness to the fact that how we sow so shall we reap.  Standing before Libra, the Scales, in times past the image of Virgo was associated with Astraea, the goddess of innocence and purity who holds the scales of justice.  Rooted in earthly principles, she holds the device which floats on air, and by connecting the two elements is able to reveal the greater, the lesser, and the balance between two things.  

After the eclipse, each of the personal planets passed over the pivotal point where the Sun and Moon aligned before entering the sign of Virgo, each charged with its own archetypal message of the event. In the body, Virgo rules the intestines, and the processes of digestion and assimilation.  With the five closest celestial bodies currently in the sign of Virgo, we have had time to digest the lessons of the eclipse, and now must work towards integrating them through our bodily consciousness to bring forth their physical manifestation.  Indeed, this will take work, and the process may affect our constitution.  Virgo aligns archetypally with the sixth house of duty and service, health and hygiene.  Applying the analytical style of this sign to unlock this reasoning behind this association, we find that the quality of our commitment to duty and service affects the latter.  Likewise, attending to our health and hygiene is an expression of the former.

The time between the new moon and Equinox is a potent time for setting intentions regarding the information revealed during the eclipse.  The Sun and Moon will again make an exact aspect to Uranus, this time a lesser known relationship, called a “quincunx.”  Planets in this disharmonious aspect tend to meet awkwardly, highlighting any need for adjustment.  This is an effective reminder that though Virgo loves nothing more than to achieve order through daily routine, we must be sure we are still adjusting our efforts to strive for improvement.  As all things in this world, the Virgoan concept of service works both ways.  In order to be of effective service to others, we cannot afford to fall back into patterns which, though comfortable in their familiarity, no longer serve us.  Mercury in opposition with Neptune in Pisces inspires us to see beyond the pattern.  Active Mars conjunct Mercury in Virgo will help us to harness our willpower towards rectifying the misalignment of our Self to our Source, as revealed by the eruptive eclipse.  Next week, as Pluto stations direct in harmonious relationship to Mars, the energy of transformation in this cycle will reach the apex of its power.  Take this time to bear honest witness to yourself, what you have harvested from your actions, and move into better balance.