LIBRA NEW MOON: Piecing Together the Greater Song


October’s new moon is in the sign of Libra. In the Northern hemisphere, the start of this sign coincides with the Autumnal Equinox.*  The Sun now moves through this sector of the sky, ahead of Venus.  Venus is in the early degrees of the sign, having recently disengaged from a once-in-two-year rendezvous with her polar planet, Mars, who is still in Virgo. Jupiter, meanwhile, has just left Libra, himself having entered Scorpio, met there by Mercury.  The Sun is now close on the heels of Jupiter, who was visible high in the sky at sunset all summer long.  Now in this latter season, Jupiter has fallen into the sunset’s glare, unable to be seen until it reemerges in the early morning hours in November.  In the same fashion, at the new moon phase, the Moon crosses paths with the Sun, temporarily obscuring it from our vision in the brilliant light of the solar orb.  

The glyph for Libra

The glyph for Libra

Libra is symbolized by the Scales, indicating it is a sign which aspires to balance. It is fitting that within the solar cycle, this sign is initiated by the Equinox, the period of equality between light and dark, a fundamental polarity in the human experience.  Similarly, within the day, Libra aligns with sunset.  This is indicated by its glyph. Two parallel lines extend horizontally.  A semi-circle, flat side down, is centered within the upper line, to create an image much like the sun sinking below the horizon.  Sunset is a twilight period, when light and dark are even to the eye and conscious and unconscious reality are infused by one another.  Along with sunrise, it has traditionally been considered to be a time ripe for prayer, and other practices in which one seeks inner clarity and contentment. 

On the archetypal wheel, Libra is positioned at the median point.  It is the first of six signs that occupy the outer/social realm, following the six which define the inner/personal experience. It is a sign of relationship, the archetypal other, as it opposes Aries, the sign of self. Libra’s planetary ruler, Venus, shares her name with the Roman goddess of love and fortune. She is herself associated with the concept of value and relationship, and the spectrum of experience of how energy and resources are shared. Venus, the planet, inspires cooperative interaction for mutual benefit (as opposed to her polar, Mars, who fuels competition for personal growth). Guided by this celestial benefactress, the Libra seeks to harmonize the environment through the practice of aesthetics and social graces. These subtle tools, with their Venusian charm, assist in successfully mediating relationships between people.  

Being so preoccupied, Libra can have the tendency to romanticize reality, endeavoring to avoid unpleasantries and maintain convivial relations. As an Air sign, however, the Libran archetype has a mental bias that is keen to deduce a suitable compromise when faced with conflict.  Ever eager to maintain balance, Libra employs communication and reasoning skills to stay above the emotional investment in the matter.  With scales in hand and blindfold on, Libra obeys the Rule of Law as the neutral arbiter of grievances.  Fitting for this sign, whose element is the air on which the proverbial Scales of Justice find their rest. 

With Venus unaspected in Libra this new moon, there is a certain freedom to allow for her style of indulgence.  Yet a harsh aspect stirs this Libra moon from the luxury of comfort. Once again, Uranus in Aries is creating a tense aspect to the Sun/Moon, increasing the chance that unexpected events or information will upset the balance.  Next year, Uranus will move into Taurus, after having been in Aries since 2011.  In this period, it has moved in and out of a square with Pluto, with Jupiter joining the dance last year in opposition to Uranus.  With Jupiter changing signs this year and Uranus next, this long-standing aspect pattern is in the process of breaking apart.  So how have all these planets been interacting, and how does it relate to this new moon?

Uranus in Aries revolutionizes the individual.  Pluto in Capricorn transforms structures of power.  Jupiter in Libra expands concepts of justice and mediation in relationship.  Putting these pieces together, we create a picture of an ebb and flow of human evolution, in which our internal growth is catalyzed by the pressures of of peers and social institutions, and in which our social systems are revolutionized by each individual bravely claiming their inalienable rights.  The tension has been high, as growth periods generally are. Now, the picture shifts. After thirteen months, Jupiter is in Scorpio.  This planet, called the "Guru"  (often translated to the "dispeller of darkness"), is in the realm of the secretive shadow.  Here is where all things considered unseemly or taboo are hidden, where, if we are not careful, repressed emotions transform into destructive tendencies and unspoken desires fester into secret obsessions.  With Jupiter in this new venue, a new lens is applied to old questions, allowing us a new perspective on the potential solutions.  Each being of light necessarily has a shadow, a place where the unwanted parts of oneself are relegated to the status of “other."  When we attempt to hide what in us we consider unloveable, we succumb to fear and irrationality. What fears have given rise to the shadow of our society?  Where have we failed to uphold justice and equality in our relationships and social institutions?  How can we use the Libran skills of communication and logic to allow each part and person its voice, to find the dynamic balance of unity?

With the Sun/Moon in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries, we are reminded that harmony requires radical inclusion. In the process of peace-building, we piece together different voices in their unique individuality to draw forth a greater song. Self/Other is a polarity as foundational as Light/Dark, for both these polarities are immediately evident to the individual in the moment of birth.  As we take our first breath, we are faced with the entire saga of the human condition--how to reconcile the self that is birthed from the other, and the shadow that is birthed from the light. From this philosophical point, we launch into a conscious presence in which we recognize any two polarities, no matter how different their extremes may seem, exist along a single continuum.  There is always a point of reconciliation, of atonement, in the center that they share.  At twilight, neither light nor dark dominates.  We see in their compromise the wondrous array of colors decorating the sunset. If we were seek a similar balance in ourselves and our relationships, to what unknown splendor may we give birth?

*This article will use the Northern hemisphere as the default for seasonal markers. 
