
The New Moon in Sagittarius is attended by an elegant array of planetary aspects. Mercury stations direct shortly before, leaving only Uranus in backward motion, after a succession of retrogrades over the last several months. Sagittarius is the archetype of the Seeker who becomes the Sage, and governs the realms of travel and learning. The preceding period of retrogrades ushered in review of how we act upon our desires, find balance in relationship, and train our thoughts. Nestled together in the center of the sign, this New Moon is the chance to bring into better focus the vision that guides our journey.

Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, auspiciously accompanies the Sun and Moon in the sign. It is a joyous homecoming to his archetypal abode for the first time in 12 years. The natural exuberance of Jupiter finds easy expression in this sign. Jupiter here stimulates our adventurous spirit, and bolsters our confidence to disembark from our routines and set a new course. Jupiter illuminates our opportunities through the radiant power of optimism. Associated with the mental realm and vision, Jupiter in Sagittarius teaches the wisdom of taking a broader perspective. 

These beneficial influences are immediately challenged by a square to Mars, the planet of conflict. Mars himself is conjunct Neptune in Pisces. The focused and fiery planet, Mars, is not comfortable in the wondrous and watery realm of Pisces. The diffuse nature of Neptune can drain Mars’s motivation, which can result in a downward spiral of self-defeating attitude. However, Neptune in Pisces is a strong channel for Spirit, and when properly partnered, these two planets together can serve to incubate inspired action, fueled by a limitless source. 
Meanwhile, Mercury in Scorpio forms a Grand Water Trine with Chiron in Pisces and the North Node in Cancer. Like Jupiter, the archetype of Chiron is that of the teacher, and like Sagittarius, the mythological Chiron is a centaur. The symbol, half horse and half human, shows the power of uniting the primal force of our animal nature with the boundless potential our aspirations. However, while Jupiter inflates our confidence, Chiron checks our hubris. The wisdom of the teacher is born of experience, and this combination of aspects illuminates the strength of humility. By confronting challenges to our preconceived notions, we force ourselves to face our own discomforts. It is precisely this impetus that pushes us past our old boundaries to explore new frontiers.

This new moon, embody the energy of Jupiter, and expand your horizons. This is a wonderful time to commit to learning something new, traveling to that long-dreamt of foreign destination, and expressing your generosity within your community. As you traverse unknown terrains, overcome reticence by honoring your ambitions with action. Sagittarius, the Archer, encourages us to aim high--after all, the more you give, the more you get.