This month’s marriage of Sun and Moon has an active set of celestial aspects in attendance. Conjoining in the center of the sign of Virgo, this new moon creates a harmonious aspect pattern with expansive Jupiter and incisive Pluto, while opposing idealistic Neptune. All in Water and Earth signs, in this planetary combination we are presented with a primordial clay, the mud upon which we may mold our manifestation.
Meanwhile, Venus, Mars, and Uranus are tangled up in a T-square aspect, suggesting our relationships may be subjected to unexpected strain. With Venus exiting diplomatic Libra and on the precipice of passionate Scorpio, this tension has the potential to initiate us into deeper levels of understanding by dismantling the ways we disguise our true desires while conducting our affairs.
With Saturn in trine to Uranus, only Mercury, the planetary ruler of this moon, is involved in no major aspects. Having recently entered Virgo, Mercury carries with it the energy of the Grand Earth Trine it formed with Saturn and Uranus in the days before the new moon. However, Mercury’s unaspected status at the time of the new moon indicates the necessity of claiming our own agency despite pressures from without, whether good or ill intentioned, that encourage us to deviate from our path.
Well armed with keen discernment, the healthy Virgo expression is well poised to deflect detrimental influences. Virgo, as the archetypal vessel, is the sign of self-containment. She is the keeper of the hearth, she who tends the sacred fire that is Life itself. In dedicating herself as servant of the Divine, she becomes channel to it. This dynamic is indicated by Virgo’s opposition with Pisces, the sign closest to our spiritual source, and its rulership by Mercury, planet of communication.
This new moon is opposed by Neptune, accentuating its Piscean character. The grounded and orderly manner of Virgo is challenged by the impressionable and quixotic demeanor of Pisces. Find your footing by applying the healthiest qualities of one sign to the other this new moon.
Virgo corresponds to the sixth house of personal responsibility and daily duties. In keeping the hearth alive, Virgo creates a warm room in which to gather and connect, hot food to nourish and grow, and light by which to read and learn. Virgo’s motto is I serve, or by other traditions, I analyze, a reflection of its rulership by inquisitive Mercury.
Pisces corresponds to the twelfth house of spirituality and self-sacrifice. Pisces and its planetary ruler, Neptune, are both closely linked to the oceanic realms and the watery depths of dreamtime. The motto of Pisces is I believe.
This is an excellent moon cycle to commit to creating a dream journal. The medium of dreams is a symbolic one, a set of signals from our deeper subconscious whose messages can be integrated through conscious interpretation. By writing down our dreams, we pass the information from the right hemisphere of the brain associated with imagery to the left hemisphere associated with language, integrated through the body as the hand writes, and manifested into an objective form. When we believe and invest in our dreams, they yield pertinent information for us to analyze for our own self-improvement.
This is one of many daily rituals you may consider initiating this new moon, in service to your personal connection with spirit. The practice of prayer is another expression of a healthy Virgo/Pisces balance. By bringing a conscious form to expressions of faith, we create a vessel through which to channel intention into manifestation. Assess the state of your spiritual hygiene, and attend to your mundane responsibilities knowing that by doing so, you are tending the creative fire within. Take this moon cycle to experiment with simple daily practices with the aim to purify mind, body, and spirit.